Board Meeting Minutes
The Barton Farmhouse
Board Attending:
Bloomfield (City): Michael Dul
Bloomfield (Township): Dani Walsh
Bloomfield School District: Cynthia Von Oeyen
Bloomfield Historical Society: Pam Carmichael, John Marshall
Community Consultant: Sue Nine
Friends of Preservation Bloomfield: Linda Kmit
Board Absent:
Bloomfield (City): Robert Ziegelman
Bloomfield (Township): Greg Kowalski
Bloomfield School District: Ingrid Day
Others Invited:
Treasurer(s): Al Magnus, Ed Anderson
Bloomfield School District: Alan Jaros
Community Representatives: Mary Barton Letts, Dave Baumhart
Approval of Minutes from 17 January Board Meeting Minutes were approved as distributed prior to the meeting by e-mail.
Treasurer’s Report (Ed Anderson)
The treasurer’s report was distributed prior to the meeting by e-mail attachment. No questions were asked.
The balance in the two Chase Bank accounts is $71,153.
Linda Kmit reported that a donation had been received from HopkinsBurns Design Studio. Linda will send an acknowledgement and thank you.
Educational & Operational Preferences for the Barton Farmhouse (Alan Jaros)
Alan has made changes in the organization of the staff and class rooms at Bowers Farm and Bowers Academy.
Currently Jackie Doran in the Bowers Farm Office is our contact for scheduling events at the Barton Farmhouse, It is important that Jackie be made aware of when events at the House are scheduled to try to avoid conflicts in the parking area.
A brief discussion of the Operational Procedures for the Barton House was conducted by Alan.
One of his goals for the 2017-2018 school year is to make use of the Barton Farmhouse and/or the Craig Log Cabin as part of the educational curriculum.
Alan has requested that there be a contact for him on the PB Board who will provide the history of the two buildings.
Three events are coming up soon:
April 3 & 4: Spring Break Camp for school children from 6 to 10 years old. Alan would like to have the Log Cabin open and available to campers to visit during the Camp. Preservation Bloomfield was asked to have someone available to discuss the Log Cabin with visitors.
April 15: The Spring Fling during which the Easter Bunny will be stationed on the back porch of the Barton Farmhouse. (Sue Nine suggested that she would make arrangements for there to be a photographer present to take pictures of the children with the Bunny.
April 17 & 18: Project RED (Rural Education Day), from 10 am to 2 pm
It would be helpful if informational signs for the House and Cabin were prepared for display during the above events. A handout may be appropriate as well.
Repair of Stair Hall and Bathroom (John Marshall) In the absence of Dave Kellett, John gave a brief report on the work that has been done (and almost completed) by the Multi Drywall Company on preparing the Stair Hall and Bathroom for papering and painting respectively. (The cost of this work was less than $600.)
Friends of Preservation Bloomfield Fundraising Events (Linda Kmit)
April 25: Preservationist of the Year (at the Iroquois Club) – Mary Barton Letts will be the honoree. Harry C. Walsh will also be given special recognition for initially pointing out the historic nature of the house and providing many supporting donations over the years.
(Tentative) June 10: Bloomfield Open Hunt Club – 100th Anniversary Event – The FoPB have been approached by representatives of the BOHC about developing a joint project to celebrate the centennial of the founding of the Club. There are strong connections between the owners (Hendrie) of both the Barton Farmhouse and Bowers School Farm with the founding of BOHC. The Board encouraged the FoPB to investigate this cooperative project.
September 10: Annual Corn Roast – New board member, Dani Walsh, volunteered to co-chair this event along with Jan Roncelli.
September 14: Soup Luncheon – Annual FoPB membership drive event – Patti Jessup Chairman
November 16: Gingerbread Brunch – Pine Lake Country Club – Chairmen: Carol Shaya, Mia Materka and Sue Nine
January 2018 – Village Players Event (date to be determined)
Initial Donors Plaque (Michael Dul) Michael Dul presented sketches on the proposed method of mounting the plaque (28” by 38”) to the blank wall on the back porch of the House. The clapboard siding will not be cut out, but rather the plaque will be mounted on the surface and enclosed in a decorative frame.
Wallpaper Report (Pam Carmichael) Barbara Balow has sent $250 to the contact at Waterhouse who will prepare the “strike-offs” of the two papers that the board chose. Barbara will be reimbursed by the treasurer. We should have this samples to review at the March 21 Board Meeting
Informational Signage (John Marshall) John has contacted Shira Good, Director of Communications for BH Schools, for suggestions on designing signage for the Barton House and Craig Log Cabin. Shira referred him to the standard color scheme used for School District signs, pointing to signs at the Office location on Wing Lake Road for an example.John will continue to work with the Farm, School District, and members of the Board to come up with a draft for the two informational signs.
Meeting adjourned at 4:25 PM
Next Regular Meeting: March 21, 2017
PB Board meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 2:00 PM