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This 1845 farmhouse was purchased for $1 in 2008 by the then newly-formed Preservation Bloomfield in 2008. The upright and wing parlors of the original home were relocated about 2 miles away to the Charles L. Bowers School Farm in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan.


Timeline and History

Built during Bloomfield’s early settlement period originally (near modern day Eastways Road and Long Lake Road), this Greek Revival-style farmhouse is a front-gabled one-and-a-half story home with recessed umbrage porch. Its history is primarily associated with the Benjamin, Hendrie, and Barton families. Their lives and times reflect the changes in Bloomfield from the rural agricultural society, to grand country estates, and then refined suburban living of the Barton Family, for which the home is named.


James Darwin Benjamin came to Bloomfield, Michigan from New York in 1841. Three years later he bought 122 acres and built the farmhouse on Bloomfield Center Road (now Long Lake Road). Not long after, Benjamin married Clarinda Kneeland and started a family. Two generations of his family lived in the home spanning 48 years.



The home had a succession of owners included in this order: Mary Martin, Robert Heacock, and then Charles Kantor. During the time of Robert Heacock's ownership, the upright was extended, and a kitchen and side porch were added.



Jessie Hendrie acquired the farmhouse from Charles Kantor. The Bloomfield Open Hunt Club opened across the street, so Jessie fondly referred to the house as "The Covert," a hunting term meaning good cover for wild things.



Carl Barton, founder of the internationally known Barton Malow Construction Company, bought the farmhouse in 1937. He and his wife, Connie, raised their 2 daughters there and enjoyed the home for many decades.


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©2025 Preservation Bloomfield  

P.O. Box 7627, Bloomfield Hills, MI  48302

Preservation Bloomfield is a public charity and is exempt from Federal income tax under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The Friends of Preservation Bloomfield is an auxiliary group engaged in assisting Preservation Bloomfield in their fundraising efforts.

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